
Promo video for the WOKA asia food

Order: to make a short promotional video for social networks in order to attract customers to the newly opened branch of WOKA asia food.

Location: WOKA restaurant, “MARK MALL” shopping center, Brovary.

The team was chosen taking into account the wishes for the promotional video, the location, the conditions (opening of the restaurant) and the budget. This is a cameraman-editor, a photographer-screenwriter.

The process of shooting and making a promo:

  1. Filmed on location in fast mode so as not to disturb the first customers. Photos (more than 200 pcs.) and video shooting on two video cameras (about 2 hours of material in total) were taken. We filmed the preparation of exotic dishes, staff and visitors who agreed to be filmed.
Предметне фото страви для WOKA asia food
Відвідувачі ресторану WOKA, які смакують суші

2. A scenario plan was drawn up based on the filmed materials.

Процес монтажу промо-ролику у програмі After effects

3. The finished promotional video was sent to the customer for approval. Then the several corrections have been made. The result is the final version of the promo!