Order: artistic filming of a concert in memory of Viktor Shportko, lasting 3.5 hours.
Location: October Palace in Kyiv.
The concert was attended by Pavlo Zibrov, Vitaliy and Svitlana Bilonozhki, Viktor and Pavlo Pavlik, Ivan Popovych, Oleksiy and Anastasia Shportky and many other famous Ukrainian artists who remembered the People’s Artist of Ukraine – Viktor Shportko.

In order to capture and show artists from a favorable angle as beautifully and artistically as possible, usually several operators are needed. We decided to form a team of 5 people to film the concert! These are four professional cameramen, two of whom freely moved around the stage with steadicams to “catch” the most beautiful and brightest moments of the event. And the director followed the stage action and directed the work of the cameramen, telling them what, how and where to shoot.
We also used 3 additional stationary cameras for general shots and close-ups of the scene. Therefore, the concert was filmed with 7 cameras!
The process of editing the concert:
1. The first stage consists in combining the video from all seven cameras and synchronizing it.
2. Then the editor professionally selects the shots taken from the most appropriate angle and changes them according to the rhythm and emotions of the artist on stage.
3. The sound engineer adjusts the sound. Removes noise and everything superfluous. Thus, the sound becomes as clean as possible. At the right moments, the sound engineer adds sound from the hall so that the ovation and applause harmoniously complement the song track, conveying an unforgettable atmosphere of unity between the artists and the audience.
4. The entire video of the concert is subject to color correction, as the tone and brightness of the lighting changed throughout the event. The task is to adjust the colors in such a way that they convey the mood of the event, so that the video viewer feels the effect of presence, as if he sees everything that is happening with his own eyes.
5. The final stage of editing is the creation of intros and outros, as well as titles.
If necessary, the video of the concert is corrected if inaccuracies with inscriptions on the titles or an unsuccessful shooting frame are found.
That’s all, the concert is ready!
Get in touch if you want the same shoot!